Thursday, February 1, 2018

Triangle Room: January 30- February 1, 2018

This week we learned about animals that love the cold- penguins, polar bears, walruses, arctic hares, and beluga whales. We enjoyed books, rhymes, song, movement, and math activities centered around these arctic animals. The students can probably tell you many new facts! Some conversation starters for you and your child after this week are: 
  • Tell me about some animals that live in Antarctica.
  • How does a penguin stay warm?
  • What does a polar bear eat?
  • Why does a walrus have a tusk? Why does it have whiskers?
  • How do penguins care for their young?
  • What do you know about the size of a walrus? Did Miss Leslie do something with a tape measurer to help you understand how big a walrus is? (Parent hint- They can be 12 feet long and weigh 3,000 pounds.)

Favorite learning activities for the week include:
  •  a shared writing web listing animals that live in the cold
  • a T chart comparing the ways that penguins stay warm to the ways that people stay warm
  • a rhyme about Marco the Polar Bear  (Marco the Polar Bear, white as the snow. Sat on the ice near the cold water's flow. "Lunch! I need lunch!" he said. "I'll make a wish!" So he stuck in his paw and pulled up a fish!) Almost all of the children could recite this with me by the end of the week and had fun identifying the number or letter written on the fish that our stuffed animal Marco pulled off of my lap. 
  • creating individual bar graphs of the arctic animals in a poem I read to the class
  • locating black and white items in magazines and completing a color sort after learning about why penguins are black and white
  • free choice art options- textured polar bears, walruses, igloos, glitter paint, messy stamping, watercolors, and playdoh
creating a bar graph of arctic animals

hard at work making a walrus


working on feeding the penguin the correct number of fish

walking like daddy penguins keeping our eggs safe

a black and white color sort using magazines

free choice art- white paint on black paper

penguins playing in the snow of our sensory table

fun with ink pads (and messy fingers!)

glitter paint

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