Tuesday, October 3, 2017

a look at a morning in the Triangle Room

9:00- 9:25 arrival/ table activities

Students arrive at school and complete their arrival routine: empty folder from bag, move attendance name card, hang bag, and wash hands. When this is done, the students can each choose a table around the room to join. We like to set out puzzles, playdough, art materials, building materials, and fine motor activities like beading and sorting. We also offer the class library and the sensory table as choices during this time of the day.  It is a very calm way to start our time together.

Today we began our week studying color. Table choices were playdough, Legoes, pom pom and cardboard tubes in the sensory table, watercolor paint and styrofoam as a free art choice, and pipe cleaners and sections of colored straws for beading.

9:25- 9:45 whole group: circle time

As teachers, this is our favorite time of day! We love to use books to help introduce and reinforce whatever we are teaching that week. We use song, movement, and games to help keep the students involved and try to make the time as interactive as we can.

Today we read Bear Sees Colors and Cat's Colors. We moved our bodies to a song about the colors in the rainbow. We played a color matching movement game.

9:45- 10:00 whole group: tables

During this time, students work on an art project or journal page. As students finish, they can visit the class library for free choice reading.

Today we used the items brought from home to create color collages. Students walked around the room to add items from their bags to the red, green, yellow, and blue group collages waiting on the tables.

10:00- 10:30 outside free play

The students love this time of day! We are enjoying seeing the friendships strengthening each day.

10:30- 11:00 special class for the day

Today the class had gym class in Hudspeth Hall.

moving down the hallway like snakes on our way to gym

11:00- 11:20 hand washing, prayer, snack, read aloud

This is a very calm time in the room. The students are led in prayer by the student who brought in snack for the day. We use this time to practice manners. The students are getting better and better at "yes please" and "no thank you." When snack is winding down, we sometimes enjoy a read aloud. Today we read A Color of His Own.  Once snack is finished, students clean up spots and begin free choice play in the room.

Bella leading the class in prayer before snack.

11:20- 11:45 free choice play in the classroom

This is definitely the time of the school day that the students love the most! We usually set out cars or blocks in our circle time area. We also open up the class library, the dramatic play area, and the sensory table. There are always choices waiting at the tables for the students as well: art activities, games, and activities that help reinforce our learning topics for the week.

Today we had fun with color. On one table we had fun watching colors dissolve as we colored with markers on coffee filters and then sprayed them with water. On another table we really loved using droppers to drop small amounts of colored water onto baking soda. The colors mixed in beautiful ways! Tomorrow we will try the same thing but with vinegar instead of water; I think the students will be excited to see the difference.

11:45- 12:00 clean up and end of the day routine

As the class cleans up after free play, students get their bags and coats and we meet one last time at circle. There is usually time for a book, flannel board activity, or whole group activity.

Today we enjoyed a rhyme about bears in a bed. Each student got a turn to come pull a bear out of the bed, listening carefully for the color in the rhyme to know which bear to pull.

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